

Port operations are a complex interplay of various activities, often involving diverse stakeholders. Effective incident management is crucial for ensuring the smooth functioning of ports while safeguarding the environment. Addressing this need, PortBot emerged as the winning proposal of the Innobus 2019 innovation program, organized by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.

PortBot tackles the critical challenges faced by ports, particularly in managing environmental and port-related incidents. The current systems often lack real-time communication, leading to delays in response and potential escalation of issues. PortBot aims to bridge this gap by introducing a centralized platform that facilitates seamless communication and efficient incident management.

My Role

UX Project Coordinator
Information Architect


Desk research


Mar - May 2019

Port Bot chatbot and internal incident management system
Port Bot chatbot and internal incident management system
Port Bot chatbot and internal incident management system

Current Incident Management

When an incident is detected, it must be reported by calling the port police at the Port of Barcelona. The police then contact the relevant departments by phone, following a paper-based script. This process results in a degradation of information quality at each step (user - port police - responsible department - service provider or company tasked with resolution), leading to delays that can sometimes worsen the incident. Additionally, the user who reported the incident is not informed about its resolution status.

Our Proposal

PortBot's solution integrates two core elements: a chatbot and a comprehensive internal incident management system.

The system uses a user-friendly WhatsApp chatbot as its primary interface. This allows both port staff and the public to easily report incidents, including detailed information and location data. Once a report is received, the chatbot categorises the incident and seamlessly integrates it into the port's internal management system. Relevant departments are notified immediately, enabling a quick response and coordination. The system tracks the progress of each incident, ensuring accountability and transparency.

To enhance communication, users are kept informed about the resolution of their reports, establishing a direct link between the reporting party and the responsible department. Additionally, all environmental and port-related incidents are recorded in a centralized database, which supports real-time access and historical analysis, facilitating data-driven decision-making and ongoing improvements.

Port Bot chatbot conversation
Port Bot chatbot conversation
Port Bot chatbot conversation
Port Bot chatbot conversation
Port Bot chatbot conversation
Port Bot chatbot conversation

Why a chatbot?

We opted for a chatbot over a mobile application because downloading an app can create a barrier for users, particularly for the general public, which might limit the target audience. In contrast, WhatsApp is universally adopted and pre-installed on most devices. Data indicates that 95% of young people and 87% of individuals over 64 use WhatsApp regularly. Moreover, once developed, the chatbot can be easily adapted to other messaging platforms at a minimal cost.

Port Bot internal incident management system
Port Bot internal incident management system
Port Bot internal incident management system
Port Bot internal incident management system
Port Bot internal incident management system
Port Bot internal incident management system

Design Process

Problem Definition

Conducted an on-site visit to understand port operations, met with stakeholders to identify specific challenges, clearly defined the problems our proposal would address, and developed user personas to represent different port stakeholders.

Competitive Analysis

Performed a competitive analysis by researching existing chatbot solutions in the maritime and emergency response sectors to identify best practices, highlight potential differentiators, and determine opportunities for innovation.

Analyze Current Incident Management

Reviewed existing protocols, incident reports, and related documentation to assess current incident management systems, identifying strengths and weaknesses in communication and overall effectiveness.

Design System Architecture

Leveraged the insights gained from the assessment to design a new system architecture that addressed identified gaps and inefficiencies. Validated the proposed architecture through collaborative feedback from key stakeholders to ensure alignment with port requirements and operational needs.

Chatbot Development

Developed a chatbot proposal based on the new system architecture, detailing its integration with existing systems and improvements in incident management; additionally, created detailed conversation flows for the chatbot script, ensured seamless system integration for data access and updates, and designed an intuitive and user-friendly interface.


Created wireframes to design the user interface and interaction flow for the internal incident management system.

Final Documentation for the Dossier

Captured images and gathered visual materials from the port. Prepared documentation for the contest, detailing the new system architecture and its components, including its integration with existing protocols, and outlining how the new system addresses current challenges and improves incident management.

Port Bot poster at the bus stop
Port Bot poster at the bus stop
Port Bot poster at the bus stop
Port Bot poster at the bus stop
Port Bot poster at the bus stop
Port Bot poster at the bus stop

Benefits and Impact

PortBot is a solution designed to revolutionize incident reporting and management within the Port of Barcelona, with the potential to be scaled nationwide. By digitizing the current protocol and incorporating advanced AI technologies, PortBot aims to significantly enhance efficiency, reduce response times, and minimize environmental impact. Key features include:

Real-Time Data and Analytics: A centralized digital database provides instant access to incident data, enabling informed decision-making and trend analysis.

Automated Workflows: Streamlined processes and reduced manual intervention accelerate incident resolution while minimizing errors.

Enhanced Incident Classification: AI-powered image recognition and advanced categorization algorithms improve accuracy and efficiency in incident assessment.

Continuous Learning: The system learns from user feedback and incident data, refining its classification capabilities over time.

Environmental Sustainability: Optimized workflows and reduced paper usage contribute to a greener port operation.

I’m Agueda Peña — a Product Designer based in Barcelona

©2024, All rights reserved I contact@aguedapenha.com I +34621004539

I’m Agueda Peña — a Product Designer based in Barcelona

©2024, All rights reserved contact@aguedapenha.com +34621004539

I’m Agueda Peña — a Product Designer based in Barcelona

©2024, All rights reserved I contact@aguedapenha.com I +34621004539