How an App Can Reduce Obesity in Spain


This study examines the evolution and current status of health habits in Spain, focusing on recent decades. The aim is to identify demographic groups prone to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy habits, assess regional disparities, understand motivations for adopting healthy behaviors, and investigate preferred information sources and formats.

Furthermore, the study evaluates how a mobile application could effectively promote and sustain healthy habits, potentially reducing obesity in Spain. Through this investigation, we aim to provide insights into designing digital tools that encourage healthier lifestyles among different population segments.

My Role

UX Researcher


Desk research
Affinity diagram
User journey map


Sept 2023 - Jan 2024

Two people consult a food table
Two people consult a food table
Two people consult a food table


The research process involved several key stages. Firstly, we conducted desk research and benchmarking to understand the market landscape and identify gaps and opportunities for our product.

Building on strong foundations

Based on this research, we defined our primary and secondary user groups using the Travis Matrix, prioritizing groups where obtaining substantial information was feasible and establishing contact was more accessible. We then created detailed user personas that accurately represent our primary user groups. These personas were meticulously crafted to reflect insights from our research, ensuring they closely align with the observed needs and behaviors within these user segments.

Gaining Insights

To understand the motivations and challenges behind healthy lifestyles, we conducted interviews with a representative sample of Barcelona residents. This included individuals with regular physical activity routines and others facing challenges in maintaining healthy habits. Participants were selected based on their demonstrated interest in health, particularly focusing on aspects like physical activity and nutrition. Subsequently, we organized and categorized interview data using an affinity diagramming process.

Affinity diagram
Affinity diagram
Affinity diagram
Persona and user journey map
Persona and user journey map
Persona and user journey map
Value proposition canvas
Value proposition canvas
Value proposition canvas


Desk research revealed that Spain's national policies prioritize children, low socioeconomic groups, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases. According to a 2018 WHO report, children and adolescents aged 11 to 18 have the lowest physical activity levels in Spain. Parental socioeconomic characteristics significantly impact children's obesity risk, while demographic profiles and education levels also shape health habits. Education can promote health equity by impacting health behaviors, regardless of occupational status.

Benchmarking revealed that the majority of market products currently target adults. An indirect competitor added a child-friendly feature after establishing their product, showing the feasibility of introducing child-oriented options after parents adopt healthy habits. All competitors use gamification, integrating goals, rewards, progress tracking, challenges, and community sharing. While most products offer educational content, good usability, and basic accessibility, only three provide extensive customization options.

Insights from interviews indicate that interviewees are primarily motivated to maintain healthy habits for reasons such as experiencing well-being, enhancing physical appearance, increasing muscle strength, achieving weight goals, and preventing health issues. They also view exercise and healthy eating as ways to disconnect from work, reduce stress, and enhance mood. Challenges identified in adopting healthy habits include maintaining motivation, changing habits, lack of nutrition knowledge, work pressures, and scarcity of reliable information.

Based on these findings, the app development should:

  • Tailor solutions to individual preferences and needs.

  • Integrate a nutrition plan linked to physical activity.

  • Provide effective tools for progress monitoring and visualization.

  • Offer feedback with personalized recommendations based on monitored physical activity data.

  • Deliver information using visual formats.

  • Ensure content is evidence-based and sourced from trusted scientific authorities.

I’m Agueda Peña — a Product Designer based in Barcelona

©2024, All rights reserved I I +34621004539

I’m Agueda Peña — a Product Designer based in Barcelona

©2024, All rights reserved +34621004539

I’m Agueda Peña — a Product Designer based in Barcelona

©2024, All rights reserved I I +34621004539